Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sylvaneth expand into East Yarpin

The herd of gors shifted uneasily. They were watching the tree line for any sign of the unseen enemy. They could hear the sounds of battle and smell the blood and sap in the air as the bestigor barrelled through the eastern edge of the forest.

The unnatural woodland had not been there when they had set up the camp the night before and all three of the scouting parties that had been sent in to find a route through had yet to return.

The bestigor had gone in, confident of having a path through the thick undergrowth. But from the sound of the screaming and clashing of blades that was not going as easily as planned. The larger ghorgons could not push through the densely packed trees to lend assistance and the accompanying cygor ineffetively launched boulders at any sign of movement.

The bullgors, always impatient, took it upon themselves to go in unaided further to the west and it wasn't long before they also met with the mysterious foe.

As soon as this new engagement was underway there was a crash as what looked like a vast beetle burst out of the tree line and headed straight for the centre of the partially collapsed camp. The ungor and remaining bestigor were sent to confront, or at least slow, this new threat. Meanwhile a graceful warrior riding a large blue bird came soaring over the tree tops heading to strike at the mighty dragon ogor shaggoth. The ogor swung wildly in self defence but could not land any blows on the enemy as it darted in and out, taking chunks of the shaggoth's flesh with each hit.

Some members of the gor herd turned to run only to discover that new growth had begun even as the battle was taking place. The camp was now completely encircled by the shifting trees. With no other options left the gors nervously pushed into the tree line to assist their fellow tribe members.

The largest of monsters that could not push into the trees paced like caged beasts or hacked ineffetively at the encroaching woodland as the sounds of battle died. It wasn't long before they too were engulfed by the woods.

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