The leader of the troupe spun gracefully through the verdant field. With a soaring leap she landed in the midst of a daisy patch. She was soon joined by a vibrant cohort of fellow dancers, their every move perfectly timed...
...the Gor herd screamed in terror as the tide of Daemonettes crashed into them, joining the titanic Keeper of Secrets that had just lunged into the centre of their ranks. Razor sharp claws tore chunks of flesh and fur and blood turned the dry, cracked earth a deep red...
...the dancers went their separate ways as the tempo of the music changed. Some of the younger and more agile members of the troupe went to play amongst a nest of rabbits. Others danced around an ancient oak tree as it gently swayed in the light breeze...
...a pack of Seekers separated from the mass of daemons, barreling into the unfortunate Ungors in the rear guard. Another group of the riders surrounded the giant Cygor, slicing it to ribbons with the bladed limbs as it clumsily swung at them with it's great fists...
...the troupe leader danced atop a lichen covered boulder as the music reached it crescendo. The rest of the troupe matching her every movement from all over the green field...
...the Keeper of Secrets, To'Me'Ku'Pr, plunged its mighty claws into the ancient Shaggoth, watching in delight as the life faded from its eyes. It's agony was palpable. The God Hunters had won the day as the last beasts in the arid valley were cut down...
...the dance moved on...
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