Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tales from Neuvia

My Lord Admiral,

I have been following the Quemaran Expedition this past year as it has made its way inward from the landing site. A small settlement named "Champieu" now serves as a makeshift port for New Quemara, and the general of the local "Front" has styled himself "Duq" if you please! The Quemarans have mostly explored the lowland region of Paeris, although to the east lie a great range of mountains. Here the humans got themselves into a spot of bother, when they were denied passage by an army of Fyreslayers. I suggested a parley but the hot headed sons of Sigmar demanded passage through the passes to the Tizcan Empire. It came as no surprise to any son of Grungni how that ended, and that Quemaran expedition was sent back to Champieu.

Worse still for the menfolk, the remnants of the army sent east were ambushed by the worshippers of the Dark Gods, and I was forced to sail away from the battle lest me and my crew be caught up in it. It didn't go well for the Sigmarite army and the tattered remnants of another failed expedition returned some weeks later to the port settlement. I did hear that the Seraphon tried to send help to the Quemaran expedition, but whatever magic that Slaan uses on Corexis certainly doesn't seem to work on Neuvia. A skaven horde stopped him the first time and then, just this past month, word reached us that an entire Seraphon army had been defeated by the Idoneth fish elves if you can believe that! More bad news for "the Duq" at any rate.

I should mention the forces of chaos in the east as well. Over the mountains, in the land of Izmael, another captain tells me that he saw a horde of grots annihilated by the forces of Nurgle. This gives me bad feelings about the profitability of the venture, although the captain also says that the very tops of the mountains on Neuvia are rich in Aether Gold! If we are to make a good turnover out of this venture though, I think we will need the Sky Fleet. You say New Quemara is well defended on Corexis and our assets secure enough. In which case, send the fleet to Neuvia. There is another human empire in the mountains and beyond it lies a chaotic citadel. The mountains themselves are infested with grots and ratmen, and the aelves are abroad on the seas. I'm going to need a bigger boat.

Barik Gurnisson
Captain of Frigate Equitable Merchant

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