Saturday, March 16, 2019

Seraphon defeat the followers of Tzeentch

To the honoured council of Barak Haraz,

It is my greatest pleasure as your expedition commander to bring news to you from the Corexis Isles. Since landing at this place some three years ago, we have as yet been unable to engage in any great exploration of the realm, as most of our party have been engaged in construction of our main base. Since arriving, our alliance with the humans and Seraphon has been in the main beneficial for our purposes. The humans seem a little obsessed with the "liberation" of a place they used to call home - Kemara I think they said, but other than that they have in the main stuck to creating a home for themselves in the south west of these islands.

Riches predicted by our initial investigation have not yet borne fruit, and I must admit to becoming frustrated at the tardiness of those under my command with regard to beginning the exploration by our sky fleets. Too slow I say, and I hope to remedy this matter in the near future.

The islands themselves are not uninhabited. To the east the so-called "Blood Coast Alliance", which seems to include the Sylvaneth and their Idoneth kin, have settled the Ahil region, founding Aontroim. Further north things are more barbaric. There is a realm which harbours the worst of the forces of death - nighthaunt and flesh-eaters have been reported, while even further north lies a realm of beasts, ratmen, grots and other uncivilised beings. Whether the latter is one realm, two, or just a land of warring tribes is unknown, as is whether there are orderly folk or men to potentially trade with. This is what we seek! That and of course Aether Gold seams, which seem lacking thus far.

A further complication is the forces of the thrice accursed Master of Fates... The forces of chaos just recently laid waste to the northern settlements of our newly settled realm, but were thrown back by an impressive display by the aforementioned Seraphon. 

I shall continue to make preparations for the further exploration of this Realm, in order to expand our riches, find new skyways and hopefully in time find a way to increase our influence in the city state of Iris, that hub of commerce which links the Realms.  


Gromrik Aetherson
Admiral of the Arkanaut Fleet of Barak Haraz
Permenia Trade Expedition

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