In the 4th year of the Permenia Calendar the rat men and goblin kin of the northern reaches of the Corexis isles once again threatened the borders of Nuevo Quemara. The main armies of the realm were busy dealing with the forces of death, and it looked likely that the free peoples of Carmin, north of the hills that formed the border of the emerging empire of mankind and duardin in the south.
Unwilling to let the forces of order succumb to the ravages of the alliance known as “Doom and Gloom”, the Seraphon once again received their orders from the Slaan who had been watching the growth of the fledgling kingdom in the south. They knew the cost may be high, but recognised the danger of allowing the forces of destruction to overwhelm the Quemarans. Summoning a war host of Seraphon, the greenskin menace was thrown out of the Lointaine valley, at least for the time being, and the Quemarans were able to halt the undead north of their borders. Satisfied, the Slaan returned to watching and guiding their new allies.
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